Monday, April 20, 2015

Why I am going to Europe and not having a baby

I leave in less than two weeks for a two month long trip to Europe.  I am very excited and a little nervous (and a lot sad that Dillon won't be there for all of it).  I feel so grateful for the opportunity to get to make this dream come true.

But mostly this trip to Europe is the silver lining to not being able to get pregnant.  We've been trying, it just isn't working.

I know that it's "only" been one year and some people try much longer than that but, gosh dang it, it's been a long year.  I never thought it would take more than, oh, one try given that I come from a fairly large, seemingly fertile family (not many of us were planned...tmi?), but I was aware it can take the average couple four to six months, and even up to eight. 

I was actually worried about having kids too quickly and being overwhelmed with diapers and sleep deprivation.  It's funny to look back and think that now I would take that scenario in a heartbeat since pregnancy is proving to be a little illusive.

Now that we've tried and failed thirteen whole times it seems to make it legitimate to doctors, and others, that maybe there could be something going on outside of our control that is preventing it, despite my regular cycles and nothing visibly wrong from testing. So we've joined the frustrated ranks of those labeled with unexplained infertility. Sometimes I think it would be easier to deal with if we had something to actually deal with besides the unknown, but I'm pretty sure it's frustrating either way.

We don't just go around telling everyone that we're trying and failing to have a baby (except for right now...), but if people ask what our plans are in regards to kids, we're open about it. People are nice and understanding, and we have a pretty good attitude about it, but it does frustrate me a little that most people seem to think that I would magically get pregnant if I would "just relax and let it happen" or "just stop trying and then, bam, it'll happen." This bothers me for two reasons:

1. It seems to imply that I am doing something that I have control over that is directly causing us to not get pregnant. It's as if I must be causing this infertility because I want to get pregnant, and by continuing to want it I am bringing it on myself, and so naturally I should "just relax" and then the problem would be solved. In fact, I am doing everything (charting and knowledge things) I can that is in my control to improve our chances, including "relaxing" and most importantly, realizing that I have zero control over it. We do our best and hope, but we've let go of trying to dictate what happens.

2.  I feel like I have to prove how not stressed about it I am when people assume that it's because of an inability to relax, or that not wanting it will solve it.  I haven't had a job for 6 months, it was the most beautiful winter ever in Utah, I have great living conditions, I have a great husband, I get to go to Europe on a dream vacation, and a chronic condition that I have (which is set off by stress) has been under control for a solid 5 months.  My life is seriously good and I feel it, relaxed and stress free.  However, it does stress me out when people don't believe me ;)

I have learned enough to know that even when people give the "just relax" advice, they are well meaning and caring, and just want the best for us.

About 6 months into trying I definitely was not in this good place.  I was stressed and frustrated and confused and upset.  I've done a lot of growing and learning since then.  Though I'm never super jazzed to deal with frustrating things, I am glad for what I've gained in perspective, patience, and faith.  I've realized a few things that have helped me keep perspective.  The first thing I realized was  that I definitely have a great life and to count my blessings rather than focus on what I lack.  This led me to remember that no matter who you are and what your circumstances, you usually have what someone else wishes for.  Maybe I don't have the fanciest life, but I have a lot that someone else may not have and wants.

Something else that I'm happy I've come to realize is that just because I haven't been able to have kids yet doesn't mean that I should be sad when other people can and do get pregnant. I am not (and hope never to be) in a place where I can't be happy for others. Why should my inability cause their ability to have less meaning or joy? And just because they can, it doesn't diminish the pain of my inability, but it also shouldn't diminish my own joy either!  I can still have wonderful things happen to me and they can still be great regardless of this setback. It is hopefully something I am using to better appreciate the joys in my life, as well as the joys of others. It's great when people are sympathetic but I also really want people to be happy about their good news, because it is wonderful news!

My realizations aside, everyone is in a different place during the struggle of infertility so I don't mean to imply that these things are for everyone. These are things that have helped me but may hurt someone else depending on where they are emotionally. It really is amazing how deeply emotional this struggle is and how it can hurt in even the weirdest situations that you wouldn't think could make you feel pain.

We aren't quite sure what our future holds but we're sure we'll be parents somehow, some way, whether it is through fertility treatment that we have the option to start after I get back in July, or whether it ends up being through adoption, or (my favorite option) that achieving pregnancy on our own--for free!-- is just around the corner!

Wish us luck, and if you could, pray for us.  We would greatly appreciate that!


  1. Dude I totally get how you're feeling. People are so inconsiderate, but it's good that you realize they don't mean to be (I guess that's the whole definition of the word 'inconsiderate'). I love your positivity, because even though we adopted a child, I still struggle when 5 friends tell me in the same week that they are pregnant! It hurts to know I will probably never be able to make that fun announcement. I hate that we can relate on this... It's a crappy thing to relate on. But keep your chin up! Heavenly Father may have other plans for you guys. Adoption is special in a completely different way, and I wouldn't trade our experience if I had the choice. You'll be in my prayers girlfriend!

    1. Girlfriend, you get it. And you get it way more than I do at this point. It does suck that we can relate, but I'm glad you have been able to share your experiences with me, especially your adoption and how wonderful that experience was for you. All we know at this point is that everything is going to be okay, no matter how it turns out and that it will be the right thing for us.

  2. Prayers and love for you during this time of "patience" and "waiting on the Lord". That is a lesson I never get really good at. It took us awhile at first too and I would just cry each month. Bless you for your desires for everything good at this time. And big hopes for the future of your sweet family.

  3. I know exactly how you feel! It took us two whole years of trying, charting, praying, and (for me at least) crying. It's so hard to get your hopes up month after month after month. I wasn't working either (couldn't without a green card) and I had just planned on starting a family right away, so I felt so worthless! I wasn't doing anything productive (that's how I felt at least) and just always felt so anxious that time was passing! I always thought I'd be finished having kids by the age 30. I ended up having my first at 29. We never went to a fertility doctor or anything - kimball was sure it was unnecessary and just *knew* God's hand was in it and it just wasn't time yet. He ended up being right. I was a wuss and didn't want to go and hear someone tell me we wouldn't be able to have kids. It is so hard. I'm sorry you're dealing with this!! Europe will be awesome, but I completely know the feeling of having the "perfect life" but wishing you could trade it all for morning sickness!! Looking back, I'm incredibly grateful for the time kimball and I had to get better at marriage before having a baby. It changes everything, having a baby, and a super solid marriage doesn't hurt. I'm just speaking for me, I'm sure you guys could handle it. :) sorry, I'm rambling, but I just had to share my experience, since reading this felt like reading my old journal. I never told a soul because I'm emotional and it made me cry every time I talked about it. Not even our moms knew. I think they suspected but I couldn't talk about it at all. So, good for you! You're totally not alone. I know of several people who try for over a year. I hate the definition of infertility being those who've tried for a year without success. It just freaks us all out. I hope things work out for you guys as you want them too, but if not you'll look back and see the perfection in God's plan for you.

    1. Oh my gosh, that must have been so hard without even work to distract you! It kind of feels like a mission time-wise because the cycles go by soooo sloooowly, but before you know it, you've tried 6 times and that's six whole months of time. But at least on a mission you can work! Im so sorry you had to wait so long but I'm so glad that you finally got your baby! I agree that it is so great to have the time to create a solid marriage. I'm glad for the time I still have to do and learn so many things in the mean time. And I totally agree that people need to chill out with the infertility definition. I think the best thing that has come from sharing (because that is my personal coping method---talk about it foreverrrr ha) has been that so many people have told me that it took them a long time to have their first but then they went on to have many other kids. This has been a great learning experience and though I didn't want to learn things this way I'm glad to have learned something!

  4. We tried for about three years. It is hard, frustrating and emotional! I had my gallbladder out, then I had my kidney removed because of cancer....when I was healed, it still wasn't happening. It seemed like it would never and then all of the sudden when I started thinking we should start the adoption process it did! I too am a stress case sometimes, but you can't make that not be on your brain! It always is! Good luck to you and hang in there no matter the end scenario! Oh and enjoy Europe!

  5. Oh love. How greatly I understand all those feelings. It took us three years to get pregnant with Colt and another year for this second(finally!). I cannot begin to tell you about all the hurtful "well meaning" comments from others. It even got to the point that when random strangers thought they could ask "don't you think it's about time you had children??" I'd tell them we couldn't have children just to teach them a lesson. Especially at that time we didn't know if we ever would.

    I will say, I finally tried a fertility tincture that a local midwife makes and in a month I was pregnant with Colt. I really think it helped. You can look into it if you like at and see if it's something you two would like to try first since its a natural route to go still.

    I'm excited that you get to go on this trip! I'm positive it will be amazing. Sending lots of love your way. If you ever want to talk more, just message me. <3


write to me, yo

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