Monday, November 8, 2010

omg wtf jk bff...but seriously

tengo un blog!  and learned spanish.  so oh my gosh, i moved to utah.  what am i thinking?!?!  but, the deed is done, as is making this blog.  can you believe it you guys?  i know, i know, its just one more thing that i probably won't keep up on.  so you'll all just have to nag me.  only if you want to know whats going on in my life, that is.  welp, besides moving, i haven't been up to much.  in my first week i have unpacked, met lots of people, and not gotten a job.  super productive, i know.  oh, and i read the hunger games.  one of my new besties let me borrow them.  all i can say tho is that my roomies are schweet.  and so is the ward :) 

peace guys


  1. What? did Allison write this? It doesn't sound like you. And Hunger Games is amaaaaaaazing. I still can't believe you moved there. I wish i was with you. I miss you. Te amo, mi amor.

  2. no, i totally wrote this. this, apparently, is my "blogger voice" which is entirely different from my speaking voice. you should just move to utah already, its calling your name...

  3. hmm...well your blogger voice sounds different. Find me a job and i'll move!! For realsies.


write to me, yo

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