Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just thought you all should know...

I went back to school.

That's right, I have entered an institute of higher education.  Where might that be, you ask? Not at the campus a stone's throw from my apartment, but at the one across town:  UVU (Utah Valley University). 

Big decision, I know.  But ever since I went home to Washington for my mom's graduation from WSU in Nursing, I have known that it was REALLY time to go back.  I did actually move to Utah to go back to school but put if off, thinking it wasn't that important.  Life just got in the way.  I had a job, calling, sports, and friends.  I hadn't been to school in such a long time that I was scared of changing my life. 

But then, as I was sitting there during the pinning ceremony (some nursing thing), I was struck by the fact that most of the graduates were middle-aged moms with busy home lives and jobs.  I realized that I could barely get myself through college single, let alone with a family and a job.  I knew that I needed to go back to school ASAP and get my education before even MORE LIFE got in my way. 

I've always known that education is important, even though I have a perfectly good trade skill as a dental assistant.  I can really only go so far in that career path, though and, let's face it, I don't want to be somebody's assistant for the rest of my life.  I want to be in charge of me.

So, I took care of business and enrolled in school.  TONS of financial aid later, I started school last week.  It's weird but good.  I can now have a perfectly sound explanation for being poor :)

This is the mandatory "back to school pic" that my roommate took.  Classy, right?


  1. i feel it's very important that you have the puffy cheetos with you on the first day of school. :)

  2. I'm super bummed the term "middle-aged" beat out "over the hill".

  3. I think you're so cool. Thanks to Bethial's facebook comment, I found you're blog. Now I will stalk you better.

  4. So...what do you want to be when you grow up?


write to me, yo

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