Tuesday, October 10, 2017

12 Week Appointment

We had our 12 week appointment with the high risk doctor today (Maternal Fetal Medicine)! It felt like forever of waiting since they didn't get the referral for a week after meeting with my OB at 9.5 weeks and so it felt stressful not having anything set up yet. I mean, triplets are a big deal, right? But it felt like we weren't being kept track of at all. But that's just our own paranoia since we haven't gone longer than two weeks without an appointment. That has helped with all our anxiety regarding losing a baby.

We went straight back to the room, which, if you've never been in one you need to know they are the super suite of ultrasound rooms. Perfect lighting, comfortable exam bed, warm jelly, large TV screen to see everything. It's great. And the ultrasound techs are also top notch. Ours was so great and started by saying that they normally don't film and burn a DVD until the anatomy scan, but triplets were cool enough that we deserved it. Dillon usually films all our appointments, but this was way better.

She first started off figuring out everyones' positioning in there to be able to label each baby A, B, and C and then started checking out each baby individually. The first part was so cool because we could see them all lined up next to each other in a row. Then the middle baby started bouncing around which seemed to set them all off wiggling. It was so cool. Imagine, three little potential humans just hanging out in my midsection.

After about half an hour of trying to measure each baby's neck fold to check the fluid levels to determine potential genetic abnormality risks (all the levels looked good, meaning a 60% chance that nothing is wrong), the tech said she didn't see anything she was worried about and went to get the high risk doctor that was on rotation that day. She wouldn't be our regular doctor, but I really liked her. I suppose high risk doctors are all good though since they need to be able to handle high risk pregnancies.

My friend from back home (who did our ultrasound when we lost the baby last year) was working that day and had actually texted me before the appointment saying I was on the schedule and what the heck, was I having triplets. She came in to chat and had gotten me set up with the doctor we will have for the remainder of the pregnancy.

We then finished up and went out to make our next three appointments, including our anatomy scan. Having them set up and having an action plan made me feel so much more settled about things. I was even feeling so confident about things that I would have shared our good news if Dillon had been on board ;) But knowing the date of the anatomy scan meant I knew the time that Dillon would be comfortable sharing.

Our next visit scheduled is the 14 week appointment where we meet our permanent doctor, thankfully only two weeks away!

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