Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Modified Bedrest

My doctor never really put me on bedrest, but he did say that I should be taking it easy for the most part. And basically whatever I was doing was working to keep me out of the hospital so I was just supposed to keep doing what I was doing. Once I looked things up, I was pretty much doing modified bedrest for the most part until the last very last bit. 

My routine the last 6 weeks had gone something like this:

-10 or 11 am get up, go to the bathroom, get breakfast and get back in bed to eat it, then take a nap.
-1 pm-ish get up, go to the bathroom, get lunch and eat it in bed, rest for a while, then take a shower, gather everything I needed (snacks and water) and then lay on the couch for the rest of the day (seriously) usually in and out of naps. 
-6ish eat dinner that Dillon had made (usually steak, spinach, and a mandarin), maybe take a bathroom break, watch basketball games or other tv until 11ish then head to bed, toss and turn (sort of, it took me quite a lot of effort to roll over ha), then eventually sleep but wake every few hours until I finally got up at 11 am-ish.

The 10 mins I stood up to shower and then the time it took me to get dressed were the most active I was and man was it was tiring! By the time I got to the couch I was completely out of breath and contracting. It took a few hours to get the contractions to calm down and gain enough strength to get up for a bathroom break ha. And every time I got up I had to hold my belly, even though I was wearing a support band because that thing was heavy! 

I know people have told me that I didn't look big for triplets, but I think people expect a person pregnant with triplets to look full term from the beginning. I was definitely measuring 10 weeks ahead (and you can tell how big it was from the bare belly, front facing pictures we have so maybe I'll post those--yikes) so by the time I delivered I was measuring 44 weeks pregnant. And I think there is something to be said about how every pregnancy looks different on every woman. So size, big or small, isn't a very good indicator of how a pregnancy is going or how taxing it should be. 

Anyway, all I know is that I was carrying 12 lbs of baby, 12 lbs of placenta, and 10 lbs of amniotic fluid and it was rough ha. But I listened to my body and we made it through! We are so grateful I could stay at home to eat, rest, and grow some babies until 33 weeks and 5 days. My only regret is not taking enough pictures, but such is life!

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