Sunday, April 24, 2011

Change (not the stuff rattling around at the bottom of my purse)

Just as the picture shows, there are seasons.  And not only that, but there are ups and downs during those seasons.  I like to pretend that I take change really well. 

Change is a big part of life.  As someone living in a college atmosphere I live my life according to the set seasons of semesters.  Though not a partaker in the educational system that rules this particular set of seasons, I have been sucked in by proximity. 

When the change of semester is upon me I know that change in everything else will be upon me, too.  I lucked out during the last switchover by only losing one roommate (to marriage) and, by not having her replaced, little changed.

The big blow comes now.  My room roommate got married yesterday.  It was one of the best sealings (weddings) I've ever been to.  The tale of the providential hand that got me to the sealing on time, despite a plethora of setbacks, will have to wait for another post.  My roomie was an amazing person.  I really enjoyed rooming with her for a number of (sappy) different reasons (dedicated, Christlike, compassionate, RM, funny, good cook, down to earth, early to bed and to rise).  I already miss her.

My other roommate will be moving out in a week for some reason along the lines that she just doesn't think that her new husband will really enjoy living with a bunch of single girls.  Touche. 

In her place is now a well known and trusted friend from my favorite state.  She has already made our apartment cleaner than it has been in a long time, not to mention she has added a bit of style the place was really lacking (QUITE badly).

 So, while I am feeling a bit down about losing a wonderful friend and roommate (and title of chaperon, which I always thought was spelled with an 'e' at the end), prospects are looking up. 


  1. Ah yes, change...very good post my friend.

  2. hey-yo!! I wish I was moving in too!!! So i follow your blog but it never comes up on my reader when you do a new post. Weird. Anyways, I'm sure this change will be good! :)


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