Friday, April 15, 2011

Chuck E. Cheese and its Magical Wonder

The local Chuck E. Cheese held a few surprises for me when I attended it tonight with my little brothers.

The first surprise was that they had recently remodeled.  As an avid goer during my formative years, this was a shock. Not only had this remained one of the few places that had stayed the same throughout my childhood, it had also failed to change during my early adulthood.  I had pictured taking my own kids someday but now that image has been shattered by a newer, cleaner facility.

I wonder where all the regulars hung out while the reconstruction took place.  Peoples' weekends were probably ruined.

The second surprise was that adults can pull off two inch pig tails; but only if they're toting a toddler with a CindyLou Whoo hairstyle.

Third, I am the minority at all arcade type arenas.

1 comment :

  1. Remember that picture you put in my yearbook senior year? I do believe that was from Chuck E. Cheese....?


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