Sunday, October 6, 2019

Trip to WA August 2019

I've been meaning to blog more. You know, for the last 1.5 years ha. I've wanted to share more of our day to day, so I thought I'd just jump right in and blog about the trip the babies and I took up to Washington in August. Not so much day to day, but an okay reintroduction to us.

The babies and I drove up with one of my brothers who had come down to help finish our basement. It was so good that he came since this was my first major trip alone. Dillon had two major projects due around that time so we thought it best that he didn't come.

Get ready for a TON of pictures (but SERIOUSLY), because that's mostly what the rest of this post is going to be.

Stopping halfway through at a park, where we ate lunch and Lydia kept on trying to gather all the things and walk off, silly girl. The babies did great on the trip, but we were happy to arrive and check out the garden and have a bottle before bed.

The next day we went to a friend's dad's funeral but ended up in the nursery for most of it. Not surprising. But that was where the babies first played on the cube slide that Dillon ended up getting for them after seeing how much fun they had. I played in this same nursery as a little kid, and with those wooden play kitchens, can you believe that??  

We spent a decent amount of time outside!

I found these super cute mini popsicle molds while we were out bridal shower shopping and I made some popsicles out of pureed watermelon for the babies. The boys loved them but Lydia ended up having the stomach bug so we're not sure how she really felt about them. Geoff was the best uncle and held Lydia basically the whole day while I tried to keep the boys away from her, since we didn't need another 2.5 week long puke fest like at Christmas. We spent a lot of time outside!

Here are some pics from my sister's bridal shower. The theme was super cute and everything was tasty! Later we went out to eat at a new restaurant I had hear of and wanted to try. Not super impressed but the babies had fun eating out! We never do that, but they experienced a lot of new things this trip.

The babies enjoyed eating out of the garden. Beck is getting to sample the pineapple strawberries. And the boys super love the watermelon!

Just some random pictures of the next couple days while the babies passed around the stomach bug and we tried to quarantine them but still let them have fun.

Sometimes these boys look so much alike and it catches me off guard since they look so different to us, so I took a pic of it.

Playing at my grandma's house! In the same cupboards I played in.

Some random pics

We went to Seattle for a weekend and did so many things: went to two zoos, the splash pad, parks, took some pics at a swing my dad would always take us to by the sound, and so much more.

Once we got back from Seattle, we went to the wading pool and park that I played at when I was their age. It's been fun to revisit so many of these places with my own children!

And of course we went to Bill's Berry Farm! 

And another visit to my grandma's house where we made sure to get a picture together this time. Lydia had just figured out where her belly button was so that became a theme in a lot of pics for her. 

One last splash pad visit!

Learning how to use new water "bottles" and snack cups for the drive home, since I was going to be driving alone with the babies back to Utah. They did great! I was praying the whole time and strategically threw snacks back to them, and we made it! All in one day! It was quite the feat. 

Such a great surprise when we got back! So happy to be home and be with Dada again!

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