Wednesday, October 16, 2019

St George Weekend

I'm serious about trying to blog more. I know that blogging is out these days, but I feel like it's the best way to journal as well as share more of our day to day, which I know some family members are interested in.

So without further ado, our weekend trip down to St George to visit Grandma and Grandpa, who we hadn't seen in a while because they had been world travelers again (down to Chile with aunt Celeste and Uncle Miguel!).

Our first stop Saturday morning was to visit our friends at their new house! The babies loved the backyard and all the toys :) It was such a great house and it is always fun to see friends that you can pick up with where you left off.

Next up was to visit Grandpa's work to look for a couch. We did find one and we found some new friends, toys, and had a good time eating at the diner there.

 (these pics make me realize how badly the boys need haircuts--to get rid of their Herman Munster looks!)

Just cleaning up and having a good time!

 Playing with toys while great grandma visits.

These guys were super tired from being out of routine and getting short naps. But they still had fun in the backyard, where we had a nice, al fresco dinner.

Three babies means three pack and plays while traveling!

Play time before church, where biting is sadly still an occurrence, and Lydia at church with her snacks. We normally keep them strapped into their infant car seats, but we didn't bring those on the trip so the fist hour of church was a bit more stressful than normal. All in all, they did okay.

A very accurate description of our life these days and each babies' personality. Beck shouting and throwing sand, Lydia exploring and getting dirty, Quin trying to jump onto and off of that rock.

On a walk to the park. I promise they actually liked the wagon ride, despite what the picture shows!

At the park!

A nice picture with Grandpa right before a fight broke out ;)

Checking out things in the neighbor's yard through the hole in the fence, and goofball Lydia smashing her face on the glass. Grandma always as a lot of glass cleaning to do once we leave!

Our last activity before heading home, the all abilities park. Beck loved running around from thing to thing, but they all had a great time. We even rode the train for the first time! And yes, they liked it despite the looks on their faces :)

We stopped at Cove Fort on our way back north. We can usually drive straight through, but the babies were having a rough time since they only ever sleep for 30-40 mins in the car. It was such a nice place to stop since it is quiet and had a large area to run around safely. Plus the bathrooms were quite nice!

We made it back in time to do our night time routine and get those babies to bed! We always have a great time visiting St George, and this was no exception!

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