Friday, January 31, 2020

January 2020

One of my resolutions for the new year was to blog more. Whoops. Late start, but here is a recap of our January.

We spent a lot of time at home, but also spent two weekends down in St. George. The first weekend was planned, but the second weekend was added when some friends of ours down there offered to let us take the kitchen cabinets they were pulling out for a remodel of their own kitchen to use for our basement kitchen! We couldn't pass that up!

But, as most posts will probably go from now on, here are a BUNCH of pictures from our January!

Quin figured out he could get under his (cheap ikea) mattress and we found him asleep under there after a couple naps so we switched it out for a firmer one. Silly guy!

Any picture of Lydia is just a pic of her being a goofball. She keeps us laughing!

Just a couple weeks prior I had lamented to a friend that I didn't think my kids would ever just let me read to them, without constantly taking the book away or trying to flip the pages the whole time. And then, they suddenly started listening! Beck and Lydia have a favorite book that they fight over called The Escape of Marvin the Ape and they both like to point out the APE! in every picture. Lydia also likes to shout out, "HOCK-GOG!!" (hotdog) on the page where Marvin is at a baseball game and there is a man selling hotdogs. 

Just a bunch of playing pictures.

We get some great sunset views while we eat!

From our trips to St George.

Grandpa styled the babies' hair and it took Beck a while to figure out ha.

Church with three toddlers is not for the faint of heart.

Screenshots from Facetime calls to dad when mom can't handle the tantrum anymore.

They've recently discovered back scratches and it's pretty cute. 

Facetiming Grandparents

So I learned to knit last October. I took a class and then went to knit night as a way to get out of the house and have some me time. I got decent enough that I stopped going, but have continued to knit on my own. One of the reasons I wanted to learn was to knit the babies Christmas stockings and these bunnies. The white one was my first, but it turned out pretty cute. Once I knew I could actually do it, I ordered some supplies and have been knitting these ever since. I've gotten two more bunnies done and some clothes also. Then a church group heart centerpiece. 

And that's all for January! Hopefully I'll have February up before the middle of March ha


  1. So many hilarious pics of Lydia!!!!! ��
    And I’m seriously impressed by your knitting skills!!

  2. Those bunnies! They are so cute. You are so talented.


write to me, yo

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