Thursday, April 30, 2020

April 2020

To be honest, I don't remember much of this month, but that's to be expected when you write a blog post nearly three years later! I'm going back and posting monthly recaps as best I can, but I'll be publishing them retroactively so it ends up chronological even though it is really quite a long time ago. 

Most of these pictures are not in order, but they all happened in the month of April.

 First up are our front porch pictures! In order to keep distance and stay at home as much as possible to limit the spread of Covid-19 but still support small businesses such as photographers, lots of people had photographers come and take pictures at their home an obviously, we were some of them! I'm so glad we did this because we don't have nearly enough family pictures.

Next up was Easter! As mentioned in previous posts, I had learned to knit specifically to be able to knit these bunnies. I ran out of time to get the boys' bunnies' clothes made, but finished them soon after. It was a little weird to do our own Easter instead of travel to be with family, but it was a nice little Easter!

Some bunnies I knitted for some other multiples born just a few weeks after our kids. It gave me great practice!

Watching conference and doing the Hosanna Shout with the kids while Dillon was away at conference working.

Our cute baby cousin Peyton had been born in March and Rara had been up to help, so Papa and Rara came to visit us on their way back out of town.

We tried to get pictures with the cherry blossoms, but the kids were not very cooperative--it was much more fun for them to run and throw dirt! But I still got a few cute pictures with my babies, which is all I wanted!

So babies outgrow their infant seats when the top of their head is one inch below the top of the carseat, and obviously these babies aren't babies anymore because their heads are much higher than the top of the seat! But if you look closely you can see them holding the outfits they came home in (see the pic below of them in the car as we left the hospital) and how much they have grown! We did use these seats at church for a long time to keep them contained. We just set them up forward facing in the pew and handed them snacks and activities. It worked great until Covid hit and church was canceled--then they were too big when we went back to church, but it was so awesome while we did it!

The babies' very first movie! It was Snow White and I was a little worried they would be too scared at the darker scenes, but for the rest of it they sat there for a long time. It is a shorter movie and it almost held their interest the whole time, but we set it up so that Dillon and I could move Lydia's crib into her own room. The previous nights she had been being wild at night and keeping the boys up--if she was awake, she wanted everyone to be awake! So we thought it was time to move her and it worked great! She transitioned very easily, even thought it made me sad that it was the end of an era (that's a big theme for me as a mom of multiples--once something is over, it's over).

And now, just a bunch of playing pictures!

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